England - Useful information for your trip

England is part of the United Kingdom, an island country of Western Europe consisting of four countries, England, Wales, Scottland and Northern Ireland and smaller islands and other Overseas Territories, among which are Bermuda, Gibraltar, Pitcairn islands and Falkland islands. England is lapped west by the Irish Sea, south-west by the Celtic Sea and is separated by continental Europe by the English Channel.

The territory of the main land is mainly characterized by the presence of hills and plains interrupted by some small mountain ranges.  Moreover, it boasts several rivers navigable for long routes, such as the Thames. The weather is influenced by the Gulf Stream, therefore the summers are cool and the winters mild, but all seasons are characterized by regular and abundant precipitations.

The history and economy of England all of the United Kingdom played a big and relevant role worldwide. In fact, it was the first industrialised country and defined the first model of parliamentary government that has been emulated around the world.

The economy is higly developed in all its sectors. The richness of the ground allows the United Kingdom to boast important energetical raw materials, as coal, natural gas and oil. Also the automotive, pharmaceutical and chemical industries are a significant part of its economy. Moreover, its financial services, especially banks and insurance societies, are well-known internationally. Last, but not the least, also the touristic sector is very significant for the country and is in strong development.

Visitors are attracted by the breath-taking natural beauties, unmissable are the fascinating coastal regions and the several national parks, but also its awsome and huge cultural heritage. Canterbury with its Cathedral is an example of it. It has been declared World Heritage Site by Unesco. The medieval cities characterized by narrow and suggestive alleys amaze visitors as well as the modern cosmopolitan cities, such as London.