The Path

The Path

The Path Adventures design’s extreme jungle adventures into the rainforests of the PhilippinesWe will bring you on one of the last few non staged once in a lifetime jungle expeditions, through virgin rainforest. The Path Adventures is the only adventure company in the Philippines that will bring you this much adventure in a hidden and forgotten part of the Philippines.

Because of the fragile nature, we will never have large groups nor will we have many expeditions through out the year. So you who have made the expeditions with us and you who will, are all unique and exclusive. Most of our extreme adventures are tailor-made to fit your needs.

The Path Adventures was established 2007 as the extreme jungle adventure company specializing in extended rainforest adventures and jungle expeditions into the rainforests of the Philippines. With experience from a jungle survival situation, super typhoons and a lot more, Johan Bergman is prepared for your adventure. Our basecamp is near Gothenburg, Sweden, but we work internationally.

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