Denmark - Useful information for your trip

Denmark is a state of the European Union, is located in southern Scandinavia but it does not belong to the Scandinavian peninsula. The climate of Denmark is temperate and Atlantic. The annual temperature range makes winters not particulary cold and summers cool. In Denmark the wind often blows, stronger in winter than in summer. The rain wets Denmark for an average of 170 days per year. 

The first to colonize Denmark were the Scandinavians in 5th century AD. After two hundred years Denmark came into a long period of wars to conquer the closest countries and in the beginning of the 15th century it had conquered Sweden, but in 1523 Sweden rebelled and became indipendent. Then Denmark converted to Protestantism and opened a fight against Sweden, which was won by the latter. After that defeat Denmark became an absolute monarchy and in 1849 a constitutional monarchy like today. Denmark did not take part in  World war I and neither in World war II, but however it was conquered by Germany in 1940. It was the only country, with its anti-Nazi racist policies, to prevent the deportation of Jews keeping them safe. 

Denmark, a constitutional monarchy, has as its capital and most populated city in Copenhagen. The economy of Denmark is based on a modern market economy, oriented to the development of the service sector. Thanks to an effective transport network, the capital is well connected with the rest of the continent. and with southern Sweden. Tourism in the capital is very good because of its reputation of fairytale city with very clean streets and lots of attractions. Other interesting places are the city of Skagen, with its wonderful landscapes and Legoland, LEGO's city, often an  international tourist destination. 

The importance of the Danish contribution to the development of culture in the world is admirable. The discovery of the astronomer Tycho Brahe, the geologist and anatomist Niels Steensen and the contribution of Nobel prize winners Niels Bohr for atomic physics and Niels Finsen for medical research, suggest the scope of scientific Danish achievements.